Practical Information
For all participants
- On the evening of April 10 at 19:00, before the workshop starts, there will be an informal gathering in a local brew pub (Wieden Bräu) near the conference venue. All participants are invited to join for (self-paid) dinner and/or drinks and meet friends and colleagues. Ask for “TU Wien” if you cannot find us.
- The registration desk opens at 8:30 on Thursday, April 11. The workshop room is located on the 6th floor of the “TU Campus Gußhaus” building CA (both written in big letters on the front of the building), Gußhausstraße 27-29. Closest subway stations are “Karlsplatz” (U1, U2, U4) and “Taubstummengasse” (U1), the closest tram station is “Paulanergasse” (1, 62, WLB (
- The poster exhibition and workshop dinner starts at 18:30 in Wiener Linien‘s information center inside the subway station “U Volkstheater”, exit “Burggasse”, on lines U2 and U3.
- There is a slot for software live demos on Thursday afternoon. If you have some tool or program for designing metro maps that you want to showcase to the workshop audience please prepare for a 5-10 minute demonstration.
- All workshop locations can also be found on the map on the venue page.
In addition to the regular workshop program, we offer two optional social events.
- Guided walking tour on Thursday right from the workshop venue to the poster exhibition and workshop dinner passing some of the main sights in the center of Vienna. Duration: 17:15 – 18:30
- On Friday afternoon, after the end of the main workshop program, we arranged a guided visit to the Austrian National Library to see its State Hall and (a facsimile of) the famous Tabula Peutingeriana, one of the first schematic maps in human history depicting parts of the road network of the Roman Empire. It is part of UNESCO’s memory of the world register. The director of the collection will present and explain the map. Duration: 16:30 – 18:00
For speakers
- Regular papers have a slot of 20 minutes + 5 minutes discussion
- Position papers have a slot of 30 minutes + 5 minutes discussion
- Accepted posters and designs have a 1-minute teaser presentation with 1-2 slides
- Open mic talks on Thursday are 8-10 minutes
- Open mic talks on Friday are 5 minutes
We provide a presentation laptop running Windows with Acrobat Reader and Powerpoint installed; presenters are invited to copy their slides to this computer via USB key. For those using their own device, we provide a VGA and an HDMI cable; please check that your hardware works correctly with the projector in the break before the talk.
For poster contributors
All notified poster authors can display their poster(s) in A0 portrait format during the evening event with poster exhibition and workshop dinner. Bring your poster on Thursday morning for transport by us or carry it on your own to the exhibition.
Workshop proceedings
There will be no formal workshop proceedings, but all papers and poster abstracts will be published on this webpage before the workshop starts. Authors retain full copyright and are encouraged to additionally upload their contributions to open repositories like for better visibility and long-term availability.
Thanks to our sponsor VCLA there will be a best poster award (for the accepted posters and designs) and a best presentation award (for the accepted regular papers) by vote of the attendees.